Saturday, April 3, 2010

Trading My Jelly Roll for a Six Pack

by Linda Neiheisel, CPS

“Keep your mean old jelly roll Mister King of the Blues
I’m riding my bike to the Lighter Side Dealership
And trading my jelly roll for a six pack of abs”

I stood in front of the mirror. It wasn’t long before my critical voice brutally commented,” You look like a busted can of biscuits in that shirt.”

I drew a deep breath and cut short the negative self talk. Remembering my Intentional Peer Support Training, I realized that when I dwell on what I want to move away from it is like driving a car forward while looking in the rear view mirror. It doesn’t exactly work.

What does work is picturing in my mind what I do want. I knew I could see myself at 140 pounds again so I started playing with that thought.

“Just for today I will exercise my way toward a 140 pound body weight.” Suddenly a little wave of hope swept over me and I smiled. That simple statement gave me the courage to go even further and believe that not only could I restructure my thinking but reshape my body too.

In light of this realization…I offer you some affirmations to help move toward a better size and shape.

Just For Today…

I exercise my way toward my ideal body size.
I choose to take a walk instead of a nap to move toward a better weight.
I visualize myself lifting 20 pounds to gain my perfect weight.
I empower myself by consistently exercising every day.
I congratulate myself for sticking to my food plan.
I allow myself to feel satisfied with a smaller portion.
I free myself with a clean diet and consistent exercise.
I move toward progress and not perfection.
I embrace my effort to eat well and exercise every day.
I grow closer to loving myself as I move toward a healthy weight.